One of the greatest and most blessed things about Salem is our missions focus. This has long been a church which has understood that there is a mission – to make disciples – from our own hometown to the ends of the earth (Matthew 28:19). So, we have a missions ministry team, a group of dedicated volunteers, who run an annual campaign, ‘the Faith Promise for Missions’ to support missionaries and missionary organizations around the world.
We support missionaries on college campuses, reaching students for Christ. We support missionaries in Haiti, and Jamaica, and the Philippines. We have missionaries in the remote woodlands of coal country in Kentucky, and Navajo country in New Mexico, and even in Macau, China!
We also support organizations that contribute to missionary endeavor, Here’s Hope Ministries, that operates a girls orphanage in Belize; KJNP Radio in North Pole, Alaska, the Voice of King Jesus at the top of the world; Teen Challenge, who rescues people from addiction to alcohol and narcotics, and many more.
In addition to supporting missionaries, we become missionaries ourselves through short term missions trips. In the last ten years or so, we have been to New Orleans, Alaska, Haiti, Jamaica, Harrisburg, New Jersey, Kentucky, and many other places urban, and rural.
Have a heart for missions? Get involved in Salem’s Missions Ministry!
Here are some of the missionaries and ministries we support through our missions giving at Salem.
Jennifer Blandin
Macau, China
UB Global Ministries
Macau, China
UB Global Ministries
Milton & Erika Pacheco
UB Global Ministries
Jason & Charity Funk
St. Croix
Sean Coffey
Churches in Missions
Dylan Culler
Middle East
Brian & Rochelle Myers
New Mexico
Brethren in Christ World Missions
Royal Family Kids Camp
For the Children Chapter 319
Salem UB Church
Teen Challenge Training Center
Rehrersburg, PA
Rehrersburg, PA